11th entry
In 1000 words, write the reason why you like or dislike using e-portfolio as one of your learning and assessment tools. This may include how have you benefited or not from the process of e-portfolio development. This entry will be purely your opinions, thoughts and feelings reflecting your experience when developing the e-portfolio. Therefore you are not supposed to cite any references in this entry.
Using blog for e-portfolio has been an interesting experience for me, especially this second time of using blog for assignment. Since the blog is used as a container and a tool for developing my e-portfoilio, I would like to treat the blog and the e-portfolio as one component and reflect on both. The first time I used blog was just last semester which was a one time entry, so the experience was limited to creating a blog and doing one entry. At that time blogging was done to fulfill a requirement and not as an interest due to other commitments such as work and time constraint. I did not really dig deep and explore what other features a blog might have or how it can be used effectively in my assignments and especially in information management.
For this second time around, the whole process of creating the blog, writing and posting regular entry and exploring, finding and putting in relevant features for the e-portfolio throughout the entire semester has invoked an interest in me, despite other commitments and time constraint. I have not found using blog for e-portfolio to be boring, on the contrary it has enriched my knowledge, skills and experience of using the tool as a technology for information management and the presentation of it.
The e-portfolio as a regular/weekly entry has compelled me to read more than I would normally have found the time to do so but in the process, I have gained in knowledge in the areas of technologies for information management. I have begun the class with little knowledge about digital libraries, very little knowledge about adaptive technology, integrated library system (proprietary or open source), or how to effectively and systematically evaluate an ILS, the proper perspective of library automation, or the various categories of open source social software and its usage. But now I have gained a little more knowledge in those respective areas mentioned and their benefits to libraries and librarians and information professionals. This has been a very fruitful, beneficial and rewarding learning process for me and one that would equip me for a better prospect as an information professional. But at the same time I’d like to say that looking or searching for the relevant materials to read before writing is the part I fear most and even find to be tedious and could be time consuming. The amount of time spent on getting the relevant materials to read can be unpredictable and due to time constraint, I have to set a target and limit myself to how many resources I want to refer to. For example, the topic of library automation in Malaysia/Asia was dealt with based on the resources I gathered about library automation in schools, but I have not touched on academic libraries or public libraries in Malaysia . Other resources I referred to were the lecture notes, which have been most helpful for me as reference and guide. I must say that developing the e-portfolio has been my main preoccupation this semester, since it is almost a weekly requirement.
The process of recording my writings in the e-portfolio meant that I would also record any mistakes or wrong understanding that I might have about a subject, fact or information. For example, in my 3rd entry, I wrote that CDS/ISIS was not free but by the time I get to the 5th entry, I found out that CDS/ISIS software was distributed free to libraries by UNESCO. I have since corrected my own mistake and edited my entry. That’s one more advantage of using the blog for my e-portfolio; it’s easy to do editing and updating. There might be other mistakes but I believe that I would be able to correct them through constant personal reading and self-improvement. The e-portfolio allows me to see my own progress in learning.
What I like about using blog for e-portfolio is the flexibility of changing the pictures, design template, gadgets, font type and colours, etc. as many times as I like until I find one that I feel is appropriate for the purpose of the blog and also one that I like. I can also use my own photos, post them and they would be available online globally for all to see, if I choose to, which brings me to another good point of what I like about blogging. By the 9th entry of my e-portfoilio, I have discovered how to use the settings on permissions. I can control who can have access to my blog. Another benefit of the blog e-portfolio is that it is accessible by my course instructor and therefore she can keep track of my progress at any time and from anywhere (and I don’t have to submit the portfolio in print). There were moments of frustrations when creating the blog as well, but through trial and error and many attempts, I’ve used some of the features which are now on my blog. Most importantly, I see how all these features of the blog can be used effectively to organize my writings and other relevant supportive information I want to be added, to be published on my e-portfolio. For example, some relevant free online resources I’d like to show on the e-portfolio could easily be done through the use of link list gadget and page elements that can be flexibly arranged and rearranged.
I have seen my own progress in the skills of using the blog as a tool when comparing my first blog and this e-portfolio (second blog). I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of creating the blog and developing the e-portfolio regardless of the stress and pressure that came with it. But I have also realized long ago of the “no pain, no gain” philosophy in acquiring skills and knowledge, especially when having to meet deadlines. It’s all part and parcel of an adult working student’s life. But the end result is that I have gained in skills and knowledge and that’s what really matters.